Buy Online
Season Passes
Terry Peak Gift Cards
Gift Cards may be purchased in the Terry Peak Online Store. You may purchase as many cards as you want with one $5 shipping fee, which includes certified mailing to one address. If you need cards to go to different addresses, you will need to order them separately with different mailing addresses, or call us at Guest Services 605-584-2165 to order by phone.
Step by Step Instructions
By setting up your online account it will allow you to purchase your tickets, rentals and lessons online, and directly code them onto your unique RFID card.
1.) Click on the BUY ONLINE NOW button above and
2.) Create your new account by clicking on “Login/Register” and “Register.”
Leave the Web Code section blank. (That will be assigned automatically when you complete your purchase)
2.) Complete your information, and create your Password and “Register”
3.) From the top menu you can click on “My Account”
In this window you will see your account information and can add any Associates (family or friends your are purchasing for)
4.) From the top menu you can click on “Products” start shopping
5.) Adding products to the cart.
Who’s coming? – Assign a party member to each product
Select a Date – Pick from the Calendar option or the Drop Down Menu to select a date
*Rentals – You’ll enter height, weight and ability
6.) Review your cart, you’ll need to agree with the terms of service and click “Checkout”
* Address; Select the correct Billing Address or add one, ->
* Waivers; Here, you will sign your waiver and any of your dependents’ waivers if they are under the age of 18 ->
* Payment Information; Enter your card information, ->
* Confirm; One more chance to review your whole order and -> “Confirm”.
* You can go back and view your signed waivers and edit addresses or passwords on the “My Account” page at any time.
* The system will email any other adults instructions to sign their waivers after the sale is completed.
* The side menu can also be used to navigate through your order.