COVID-19 Policies
Terry Peak supports and promotes the NSAA, National Ski Areas Association, SKI WELL, BE WELL best operating practices.
On behalf of the Management and Staff, Welcome to Terry Peak.
We are excited to share the beauty of the Black Hills and are committed to making sure your experience is a memorable one. We are continually reviewing our policies and making decisions to provide the best guest experience while considering the health and welfare of our staff and guests. We all share a passion for the mountain lifestyle and encourage all to have fun, create memories, and treat others with respect. Thanks for choosing Terry Peak.
Terry Peak Guest Responsibilities
- If you are or reside with a high-risk individual, it is suggested that you avoid all contact by staying home.
- If you do not feel well, have a temperature of 100.4 or more, or have been exposed to COVID-19, do not enter the property!
- It is strongly recommended to wear a mask or face covering in the buildings.
- Outside coolers are not allowed in the buildings.
- Gear bags and equipment are not allowed in the buildings.
- Seating is limited to provide more distancing. PLEASE BE COURTEOUS AND LIMIT YOUR TIME AT THE TABLES ON BUSY DAYS.
- Whenever possible, practice social distancing by staying no less than six feet from another person.
- Wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer often. Additional sanitizing stations are located throughout the buildings.
- Staff members will be implementing extra cleaning and sanitizing measures in their departments.

Terry Peak Employees Responsibilities
- Employees are encouraged to wear face masks in the buildings.
- Employees will undergo a short health screening at the start of their shift.
- Employees who are not well, show any signs of symptoms, or have been in contact with a COVID-19-positive individual will not be allowed to work.
- Whenever possible practice social distancing by staying no less than six feet from another person.
- Employees are required to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer often. Additional sanitizing stations are located throughout the buildings.
- Staff members will be expected to implement extra cleaning and sanitizing measures in their departments.
- Employees will be notified of any updated information as it becomes available.